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Do Seasons of Seven Families Have an Opportunity to Meet in Person? festivals Nov 21, 2023

Can Seasons of Seven Families Meet Up in Person?
YES, when you become a Seasons of Seven Family you have access to our directory. 

Our school directory is voluntary for each family to decide if they would like their contact listed. 
Visit the directory anytime to check for local families in your ...

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Considering the Temperaments and Handwork Session handwork tempermanet Nov 14, 2023

Earlier this autumn, in our class four main lesson work we explored the story of the four winds and found our way from there into the four cardinal directions of the compass while experiencing the shift in the seasons as the year unfolds. Our chats during Parent Office Hours always bring interes...

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Feature: “Bee” Creative the Natural Way! with Filana Crayons featured school supplies Nov 07, 2023

Crayons were originally developed as dry paints for teachers. Filana Crayons were developed by David Kennedy, a retired Waldorf teacher. He inquired of colleagues and community as to what was important to them, and heard a clear need for totally non toxic art supplies, free from petroleum chemicals....

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Martinmas Waldorf Festival Planning Guide and FREE Preparation Gathering festivals martinmas Oct 31, 2023

Did you know our Auriel's Light Live Gatherings are FREE to attend?

Celebrating a rich festival life

If you are new to festivals, then sit back and let us bring you a beautiful way to journey through the year. If you have been celebrating all along then we hope you will find something fun and refr...

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Sparkle Stories Feature : Celebrating the Martinmas Festival featured martinmas Oct 20, 2023

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, the days are slowly growing shorter and the nights growing darker. Our bodies and hearts turn inward toward coziness and warmth, and we mark a shift in the sense of the seasons with one special day: Martinmas. On November 11, join us in a celebration of li...

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Waldorf Education Form Drawing form drawing Oct 17, 2023

A question I love to ask parents is, “What spoke to you or drew you to Waldorf Education?”  The reply is often: the gentle approach;  the age appropriate curriculum;  my child was able to still be a child; the appreciation of nature and the integration of it in the curriculum; the color and beauty i...

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Fall Waldorf Circle Time Verse circle time class 1 class 2 kindergarten parent child seasons verse Oct 03, 2023

Ms. Tiffany provides early childhood and her lower grades with what you need for your Waldorf circle.

Below you will find more information on what happens in each class:
Parent Child, Kindergarten, Class 1 and Class 2.


The ages of birth to four years are magical years of rapid growth...

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Studying the Michaelmas Waldorf Festival festivals michaelmas Sep 26, 2023

This meditation is from Rudolf Steiner's last lecture: The Individuality of Elias, John, Raphael, Novalis.

Springing from Powers of the Sun,
Radiant Spirit-powers, blessing all Worlds!
For Michael's garment of rays
Ye are predestined by Thought Divine.

He, the Christ-messenger, revealeth in you —

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Story for Michaelmas Festival festivals michaelmas Sep 19, 2023

Where No Light Shines

This story is appropriate for younger and older children.

Once upon a time there lived a peasant - a very bad peasant. He was lazy and miserable and he used very bad language. He beat his children and he was cross all the time - in fact he was very vey bad.


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Tools for Navigating the 9 Year Change 9 year old change class 3 Sep 14, 2023

The changes at age 9 are very different from those at any other stage. We hope this blog post brings you tools to support your child during this time. Reminder, the 9 year change does not have a magical end date and the child can appear they have passed it until a situation brings them back into it....

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The Gift of Wonder waldorf lifestyle May 16, 2023

“Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and if possible speak a few sensible words in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which is implanted in every soul.” ~Goethe

Wonder is a feeling that may arise in th...

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Painting, Finding Our Way and Form painting May 03, 2023



I can still recall the moment I picked up a paint brush and moved toward a wet painting paper. I had to follow the instruction of a seasoned Waldorf teacher and ...

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