French Classes: Mr. Dornemann (2025/2026)

Live Zooms in Pacific Time
French Ages 7-9: Wednesday 10:30 amÂ
French Ages 13-15: Wednesday 11:30am
French Ages 10-12:Â Wednesday 12:30pm
Parent Office Hours: Wednesday 1:30pmÂ
Tuition:Â $1176.00
Class Description
French ages 7-9:
The aim of the course is to experience the French language, to get used to its sounds, acquire basic vocabulary and some speaking skills. There will be no writing or reading. It is intended for beginners with no or little exposure to the French language.
In the recorded part, there will be listening and speaking activities, through poems, songs, stories, and games. Children will practice speaking by repeating what I say and will deepen their comprehension through participation. Our live sessions will be the time to practice speaking and engaging in creative activities.
The vocabulary covered will include the beginning of counting, family members, seasons and the names of the days, colors, action words and body parts, animals and clothing. The students will also learn how to introduce themselves. Lessons will also include cultural themes and seasonal celebrations.
French ages 10-12 and 13-14:
The aim of the course is to experience the French language, to get used to its sounds, acquire basic vocabulary and some speaking skills. It is intended for beginners with no or little exposure to the French language.
In the recorded part, there will be listening and speaking activity, through poems, songs, stories, riddles and tongue twisters. Students will practice speaking by repeating what I say. Students need as much speaking practice as possible. Our live sessions will be the time to practice speaking through engaging in creative activities.
The vocabulary covered will include various actions, jobs, family members and counting up to 100. In the grammatical part we will see how to say basic verbs, use the articles A/THE (un/le) and how to use the plural and feminine form of the words. They will learn how to say what they like, express what they want and speak about the weather and the time.
We will learn the basic prepositions and pronouns: how to say my, your, his… and this/that and finally learn how to say new basic verbs. In our speaking exercises we will work on the questions "Where is it? Where are you going? What are you doing? How is he?" We will learn how to describe things (colors for instance) and people (body parts, clothes).