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Feature : Sarah's Silks featured Dec 05, 2023

Drawing from the philosophies of Waldorf education and her own

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Feature : Nurture Nature Beeswax Candles featured festivals school supplies Nov 27, 2023

Hi, my name is Breanna Gray. I am a Waldorf homeschooling mama of 3 and owner of Nurture Nature, a 100% beeswax candle business. Come along the journey of how Nurture Nature came about.

"Make your own" the spark that lit the creation of Nurture Nature. In 2019 I had a desire to add more candles in

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Feature: “Bee” Creative the Natural Way! with Filana Crayons featured school supplies Nov 07, 2023

Crayons were originally developed as dry paints for teachers. Filana Crayons were developed by David Kennedy, a retired Waldorf teacher. He inquired of colleagues and community as to what was important to them, and heard a clear need for totally non toxic art supplies, free from petroleum chemicals....

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Sparkle Stories Feature : Celebrating the Martinmas Festival featured martinmas Oct 20, 2023

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, the days are slowly growing shorter and the nights growing darker. Our bodies and hearts turn inward toward coziness and warmth, and we mark a shift in the sense of the seasons with one special day: Martinmas. On November 11, join us in a celebration of li...

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