Waldorf Early Childhood and Kindergarten Opening & Closing Verse

kindergarten parent child verse Aug 13, 2024
Early Childhood Waldorf Opening Verse

Parent Child Opening Verse

Down is the earth, up is the sky.
Here is my family and here am I.
The golden sun is shining,
Up in the sky so blue.
Good morning, happy morning,
Good morning, sun, to you.

Parent Child Closing Verse

Now we take our love and light,
Back to mother smiling bright,
Back to to father kind and warm,
Holding baby in his arms.
Goodbye now, goodbye!
“Blessings on our day!”

Kindergarten Opening Verse

Good morning dear earth,
Good morning dear sun.
Good morning dear trees.
And the flowers everyone.
Good morning dear bees, buzzzzz
And birds in the trees.
Good morning to you,
And good morning to me.

Kindergarten Closing Verse

I am the Sun-and I bear with my might,
the Earth by day and the Earth by night.
I hold her fast and my gifts I bestow.
To everything on her, so that it may grow.
Human and stone, flower and bee,
all receive their light from me.
Open thy heart, dear child to me.
That we together one light may be.
“Blessings on our day!”

Learn more about our early childhood program here

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