Learn How Seasons of Seven Supports Each Child and Parent's Temperament

tempermanet Oct 01, 2024
Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholic, Phlegmatic Homeschool Resources

Our program supports all temperaments!

For the Choleric Parent

ā€‹Enjoy more opportunities to have fun with your child and let their teacher take over some of those "boss" jobs of getting the school work completed.

For the Choleric Child

A choleric child needs someone who understands temperaments and is ready to put on their choleric hat and meet that child's needs.

 For the Sanguine Parent

Your child's teacher will provide the accountability you need to complete projects. Submit your child's work weekly and receive feedback from your teacher.

For the Sanguine Child

A sanguine child loves multiple projects at once and needs someone that will hold them accountable to finish their work.

For the Phlegmatic Parent

Enjoy your family and the comfort of knowing your family's Waldorf homeschooling needs are being met.

For the Phlegmatic Child

A phlegmatic child loves to feel their basic needs are being met and needs motivation to take on a project. Once they feel connected to the project, they are ready to do the work.

 For the Melancholic Parent

Stop feeling guilty that you should be doing more for your child.

 For the Melancholic Child

A melancholic child needs support in not feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders. Encouragement from their teacher and classmates can help them feel good about their work.

Learn more about Temperament HERE.
Watch Class Samples HERE.

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