Starting to Plan for Your Martinmas Festival

festivals martinmas Oct 15, 2024
Martinmas Waldorf Festival

Our dedicated team of teachers come together for each festival to invite your family to celebrate with us. Each teacher chooses a special festival for them to be your guide.

Before we know it, November 11th will be here to celebrate Martinmas. To successfully celebrate each festival at home with your family and friends, we suggest starting with a festival plan. This will help you order or pick up any supplies and ingredients needed.

You'll find a blank festival planning sheet included with each of our community festival pages.

Start by printing the festival sheet.
As you browse the content that will be available, decide which activities you would like to bring to your family.
Make notes on your planning sheet to help you prepare.
You don't want to wait till the day of the festival and realize you need an ingredient to bake, and it wasn't on the grocery list.

We release our festival planning pages at least two weeks before the festival. This gives you time to make your plan and enjoy the festival to the fullest!

Festival access will be available two weeks before the festivals date HERE

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