Midsummer/St. John’s Tide!
Jun 17, 2021
Midsummer/St. John’s Tide!
As summer reaches her warming rays towards us in the Northern Hemisphere, we reach another turning point, a point where we reach out into the world to our fullest, embracing all that nature and summer has to offer. Many people celebrate this festival by enjoying the long twilight evenings, building bonfires, cooking a meal outdoors, dancing, singing, and working in the earth. We can celebrate all that nature has to offer, as we reach out to embrace the world and our connection with it.
As the sun and earth unite at midsummer, we also experience our unity with the cosmos. Midsummer calls upon us to celebrate this unity, but to also keep our will forces awake, as summer, and its grand outbreath, has a tendency to weaken our will. Once again, as at Midwinter, we are called upon to reflect upon our past deeds, and to start afresh. We set our intentions for the future. In ancient (and not so ancient) times, Midsummer was celebrated as a time for purification and new beginnings.
As we mark the festivals throughout the year, I encourage you to take time to find a meaningful tradition in celebration of Midsummer. I leave you with the Calendar of the Soul Verse for the Week of Midsummer;
“The world's glory of beauty
Obliges me out of the depths of my soul
To release the divine powers of my own life
To a flight into the world;
Leaving myself
Confidently seeking my self
In the light and the warmth of the world.”
This verses were given by Rudolf Steiner in 1912 / 1913
Read more Festival blog posts HERE.
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