Michaelmas Blessings
Sep 28, 2021
So once again the green earth sings
And forthwith gladness each flower springs
Renewal of the heart it brings
This time of Michael
With plant and beast we too shall rise
Each days bright road before us lies
Well face the challenge of the skies
As knights of Michael
Gods angel of the sun so bright
Whose sword of power, piercing light
Calls man to rise, to act aright
Archangel Michael
These song words ring out in the Southern Hemisphere at this time of the year as we say goodbye to the darkness of the winter and embrace the increasing light. In the Northern Hemisphere this may feel strange as the last fruits of the summer are enjoyed and the harvest is gathered.
Cultures all around the world celebrate or recognize the changing of the seasons. Many may go further by recognizing that the transformation in the outer world is mirrored in the inner life of all individuals.
The Archangel Michael is a powerful angelic figure in Christian, Judaic and Islamic traditions. He is known to be the guiding angel of our times and is often pictured holding a sword to a dragons throat. The symbolic meaning of this picture is very important for us. Michael is subduing the dragon, not slaying it. Ultimately Michaelmas heralds the conscious courage it takes to learn to know and master ourselves.
In other images of Michael we see him with earnest gaze holding a pair of scales. This is another important picture for us. This picture of balance can inspire us as we try to hold the uncertainty that comes to us from the future, on one hand, while cultivating trust in our own capacities to meet the demands of our changing times.
For the children they love to hear the story of St Michael who bravely battles the dragon who is terrorizing the village. He helps the king and saves the people. This dragon is then put to work in the service of the community. Children love to hear how they teach him to plow, to sow and to reap and to bring in the harvest - to work for the good of all.
It has been delightful to see the many different nature dragons that have been fashioned by the children in response to our school wide challenge. May all families be blessed this Michaelmas with courage and strength to face the challenges that come, knowing that we do not do it alone.
~Mrs. Bridgette Siepker
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