Waldorf Verses for the Grades

class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 class 6 class 7 class 8 verse Aug 20, 2024
Waldorf Verses for the Grades

Starting your lesson with a Waldorf verse helps your child to feel the intention that it is time to begin. Waldorf verses can become grounding points in your daily and weekly rhythm. 

Class 1 Verse:

I touch the sky, I touch my feet,
I clap my hands on every beat.
Without a sound I turn around,
And this new day I humbly greet.

Class 2 Verse:
A large and lovely land are we
With stars above and flowing seas.
With rocks and trees and birds and beasts,
With far and near, and great and least.
With houses strong to keep us warm
And safe from snow and rain and storm.
With friends on every side around.
Full of love, we stand our ground.

Class 3 Verse:
My deeds I will do with feet on the ground
My head will direct them that they may be sound
Strong be my arms and wakeful my head
Warm be my heart and firm be my tread.

Class 4 Verse:
The Sun with loving light
Makes bright for me each day
The soul with spirit
Gives strength unto my limbs
In sunlight shining clear
I revere, Oh God
The strength of Humankind
Which Thou so graciously
Hath planted in my soul
That I with all my might
May love to work and learn
From Thee come light and strength
To thee rise love and thanks.

Class 5 - 8 Verse:
I look into the world
In which the sun is shining,
In which the stars are sparkling,
In which the stones lie still;
Where living plants are growing,
Where feeling beasts are living,
And where the human soul
Gives dwelling to the spirit.

I look into the soul
That lives within my being;
The Spirit of God moves
In sunlight and in soul light.
In wide-world space without,
In depths of soul within.

To thee, O Spirit of God,
I do now turn and pray

That strength and grace and blessing
For learning and for working
Within my being may grow.

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