Michaelmas Festival Verse
Sep 17, 2024
Create a family tradition and add a festival verse to your nature table or homeschooling space. Start with a simple wet on wet painting and pick your family's favorite verse. Re-use your festival cards each year or add new verses and create a festival card library.
Brave Saint Michael is my guide,
As free and fearless forth I ride.
With courage of Saint George of old,
I dare to fight fierce dragons bold.
Brave and true I will be
Each good deed sets me free.
Each kind word makes me strong.
I will fight for the right,
I will conquer the wrong.
I ride on my horse with my sword in my hand,
I ride through the wooded and mountainous land.
I battle with dragons, with giants I fight,
Defending the weak and upholding the right.
My sword is of steel and my helmet is gold,
I dare all adventures, my heart is so bold.
My armour is shining as bright as the light,
For I am a gallant and glorious knight.
I'll be a knight for Michael, too,
And polish my crown to a golden hue.
Ask the gnomes the iron to mine,
Iron from the stars, from the earth, so fine,
To bring to the blacksmith, who with his might
Will make me a sword, so strong, so bright.
We are knights so brave and true
Best of work we always do
Help the poor and right the wrong
We are kind and good and strong
Off to battle we march along
Conquer evil and sing this song.
Brave and true I will be
Each good deed sets me free.
Each kind word makes me strong.
I will fight for the right,
I will conquer the wrong.
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