St John - Messenger of Light
Jun 23, 2022
St John - Messenger of Light
I am always grateful for the pause in our usual routine that a festival gifts us with. Whether we are bathed in hours and hours of golden light in the northern hemisphere or finding our way through the darkness in the southern hemisphere, we are reminded of St John, otherwise known as John the Baptist. We celebrate this man and his message on the 24 June, three days after the midyear solstice. He preached about the “light of the world”, one who would come after him, (Referring to Christ) who would be greater than him. His role was to prepare people to hear the words that were to be spoken by Christ. If one reflects on the challenges that emerged from his fiery speeches we might be challenged ourselves.
He called for a complete change in the lives of the people. Change in their attitudes to the teachings of the time. Change in their thinking and a call to courage to bring this change about. Could this call to change still be relevant for us today?
In our tradition we light a huge fire on St Johns night and watch the beautiful flames rise into the night sky. Once the fire falls the community that has gathered is encouraged to jump over the flames. The action of finding the courage to jump over the flames and then doing it, symbolises us finding the courage to leave our old ways behind and to embrace the new - to make the relevant changes within that will lead us into a more intimate relationship with that part of us that connects us to the source of love. Reflecting on the challenges set by the great prophet John we may also be led to recognise the humanity in others, the light within each other that reminds us of the light we carry within ourselves.
May the beautiful light of St. Johns time burn within as we enjoy the holidays and contemplate the changes we may wish to bring about for ourselves, our children and our families and communities.
Blessings to all at this wonderful time of the year.
~ Mrs. Siepker
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