Grade 8 in Waldorf Education

class 8 Jul 09, 2024

Class Description

Eighth grade is an exciting and transformative year. The student’s intellectual capacities are beginning to flourish, allowing for rich conversation and greater depth in the lesson content. Individuality is also beginning to be strongly asserted, and with this comes strong opinions and ideas. What better time could there be to study revolutions in industry, thinking, culture, and politics? The sciences are also a large part of the eighth grade curriculum, and investigations and experiments in organic chemistry, physics, and meteorology will support student’s growing capacities for independent work and critical thinking. In language arts, the students will explore the elements of a short story, bolster their composition and writing skills, discuss and explore a variety of literature, including Shakespeare. 

Artistic work is perhaps more important than ever in middle school, supporting the astral body which is felt so strongly in adolescence, and allowing the students to express and process their feeling life non-verbally. The eighth grade students will refine their artistic skills with lessons in a variety of mediums including charcoal, pastel, colored pencil, modeling, and watercolors.

Main Themes of Grade 8

Language Arts: Short stories, Story elements, Shakespeare, Plays

Mathematics: Practical math, Equations, Algebra, Set theory, 3D geometry, Solid geometry

Science: Gardening. Plant chemistry, Human anatomy & Physiology, Thermal physics and Material properties.

Social Studies: In depth on revolutions and reform, Modern history, World geography, Art history

Full video is available in our Candle access HERE.

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