Grade 7 in Waldorf Education
Jul 02, 2024Class Description
Welcome to Class Seven!
This year can be seen as a year of exploration and discovery. Students of this age seek to test the boundaries of that which is known and that which is allowed, the limits and authenticity of authority, and to discover the realms beyond that which they are used to. Capacities for discernment, objectivity, and reasoning strengthen and the curriculum meets the students right along those paths inviting them to question, discern, experiment, explore, and discover.
Themes of the blocks will challenge the students’ objectivity, precision, and discipline through the beauty of geometry, perspective in drawing, math and introductory algebra. Independent projects in creative writing and cultural history through biographies will invite the students to deepen their interest and to discover new things about the world that was, the world that is, and to imagine the world that is yet to be.
Science block themes in Nutrition, Physiology, Physics, and Chemistry will engage students in observations, experiments, and creative work through which they will observe the phenomena, but also seek to understand and describe it.
Cultural World Geography will take us on a journey through the lens of Age of Exploration opening the windows and docking our ship in harbors that will invite us to learn about and understand various cultures around the world.
Themes of this year’s main lesson blocks strive to meet the students’ inward experiencesin their outer world. Meeting the children in the realm of feeling while engaging their awakening capacities for independent thinking, understanding of the varying points of view, various personal and cultural perspectives, the curriculum also guides the children through the year in a way that requires discipline and invites them to practice self expression at the same time.
I am so overjoyed that you are joining us on this special journey and feel excited to meet you very soon!
With love and gratitude,
Ms. Daniela
Main Themes of Grade 7
Language Arts: Research papers, poetry, play writing. Exploring language through themed papers, including Wish, Wonder and Surprise. Biographies of historical figures. Arthurian legends
Mathematics: Continued practical mathematics, business mathematics, algebra, graphing, areas, perimeters
Science: Chemistry including combustion, chemical transformations. Physiology including reproduction, the circulatory system, nutrition, first aid. Physics of light, magnetism, static and current electricity, mechanics. Astronomy
Social Studies: History from 1400 to 1700, The Age of Exploration, The Age of Discovery, The Renaissance, geography of Africa and Europe, geographical terminology.
Arts: Perspective drawing, watercolor painting modeling with clay.
Full video is available in our Candle access HERE.
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