Eurythmy in Waldorf Education

eurythmy four fold enrichment Jul 16, 2024

Founder Melisa Nielsen and Eurythmy Teacher Ms. Tiffany discuss these common questions:

- Can eurythmy be done at home?

- Do you have to be certified to implement eurythmy in your home and homeschooling?

Melisa and Ms. Tiffany go deeper into these topics in the Candle Access at Auriel's Light:

- Mistakes Ms. Tiffany has navigated.

- The importance of knowing your temperament and how that impacts eurythmy lessons.

- Can eurythmy be done outside?

About Ms. Tiffany:

Hello and warm greetings from South Carolina in the Unites States! My name is Tiffany Conary. I am a Waldorf homeschooling mom of seven. Two of my children are grown and left the nest, four are currently being homeschooled, and one is preschool age, but keeping up with everything her brothers and sisters are doing! I am going to be the Movement Teacher this year for Seasons of Seven. I am very excited and so eager to get to know every one of my students and their families. For the past 4 years I have been doing eurythmy movement, with multiple ages and stages, in my homeschool co-op group. This is something I enjoy doing immensely! It is interesting to see what works and what doesn’t at each stage of life. I am currently working on a clear and understandable homeschool eurythmy curriculum since there is a great need for eurythmy in the home. Waldorf education is beautiful and wonderful but would not be complete without eurythmy. That is why I feel it is my call to bring eurythmy to as many homeschooling families as I possibly can.  Seasons of Seven is a lovely way to provide a Waldorf education to those wanting to stay at home. YOU too should have the opportunity to do the engaging art of eurythmy as well. I am so excited to work with the younger ones and get those little bodies moving in a way that will encourage their speech process, prepare them for reading and writing, and connect their physical and etheric bodies! I am equally excited to work with the older ones to help them feel comfortable in their bodies, express the feelings they cannot with words, and to bring them into the thinking stage of life. I look forward to this year and look forward to working with you!

Watch part 2 HERE

Watch a sample of our Eurythmy class HERE


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