Bring eurythmy home!

Eurythmy is a beautiful art form to bring movement and creativity into your home. It can be a great way to connect with your family and a fun experience to enjoy together!

Ms. Tiffany will guide the way whether you have experience or are a newbie.

Our step by step videos will cover Eurythmy activities from the early early years up to the upper grades. Don't worry parents you can join in too!  

Here is a peek of what is inside the course:

Bonuses Included

  • How to make your own copper rods
  • How to prepare Eurythmy Lessons
  • Book Recommendations

Course access is for one year from the time of purchase.

Watch a Sample


How to Teach the Gestures in a Eurythmy Book
& How to Make Up Gestures for a Story

Eurythmy Alphabet

Rod Exercises 

Form Walking 


Start enjoying eurythmy today! 

Buy Now $100

What customers are saying...

I once had the opportunity to attend a live eurythmy class. It was a very special experience.  Eurythmy is not offered in our area and I have been wanting to bring it to our children ever since. We are so grateful for this eurythmy course which allows us to enjoy eurythmy as a family.

Molly Johnson

My children really enjoyed making our copper rods together. They could not wait for us to learn to use them and do the games together. They look forward to the days we have eurythmy in our weekly rhythm. 

Sage Miller

"My child loves eurythmy! She wants to do it everyday. It it so fun to watch the forms she creates to go along with festivals songs. This course has uncovered a new passion of hers.”

Heather Davis

Do you want to take live classes with Ms.Tiffany?


Email us for more information