FLEX No Zoom Class 6

Class 6: Ms. Daniela (2025/2026)

Learn more about Ms. Daniela
Watch a class lesson sample

Quarter One

September 8th -
October 31st, 2025

Register Here

Quarter Two 

November 3rd -
January 23rd, 2026

Opening Soon

Quarter Three 

January 26th -
March 20th, 2026

Opening Soon

Quarter Four 

March 30th -
May 22nd, 2026

Opening Soon

Class Description

Welcome to Class Six!

Children race to meet their twelfth-year-of-life experiences as they begin the journey through the year of Class 6. New capacities and new ways of experiencing and discovering the world emerge in their lives. While critical, independent thinking will truly unfold in High School, in Class 6, they enter the realm of a feeling approach to thinking. Child’s life and experiences undergo great changes, physically, emotionally, intellectually, and socially. Centered and grounded support and guidance of loving adults around them, parents, grandparents, teachers, family mentors, is of utmost importance as we go through this year and the years ahead. Academically, the curriculum takes us through the work of laying the foundation for conceptual and critical thinking they are preparing for.

Students explore mathematical laws while developing confidence in their capacities to understand them, apply them, and to trust that they can think through them. They write more than they did in the past with very little, if any, copying of teacher’s composition like they did in the past years. Their skills in writing well organized five-paragraph essays expand as well as their skills for business formats of writing.

Astronomy, minerology, geography, history, science, and math weave together the school year allowing the children to experience their interconnectedness in the world that they live in. Physics takes us into the excitement of science experiments, observations, and explorations of heat, light, sound, and its lawfulness, like lawfulness in math and beautifully precise geometric constructions leads us into the Middle School years.

It is such a great honor to serve as your guide and a class teacher adding a spark of support for the year in which your twelve year old child prepares to see, explore, learn, and seek to understand the world with newfound capacities and confidences this stage that is on the cusp of adolescence brings to life.

Blessings on this year’s journey.

I am so overjoyed that you are joining us on this special journey and feel excited to meet you very soon!

With joy and gratitude,
Ms. Daniela

Class 6 Steiner Pedagogy:

Language Arts: Biographies, Grammar, Historical fiction 

Mathematics: Pre-Algebra, Percentage, Interest, Profit/Loss, Geometry

Science: Gardening, Geology, Physics

Social Studies: Roman History, Troy, World Geography, Life of Christ, Crusades, Mohammed, Islamic people, Medieval Life

Sample Video's from Ms. Daniela: