FLEX No Zoom Class 2

Class 2: Mr. Siepker (2025/2026)

Learn more about Mr. Siepker
Watch a class lesson sample

Quarter One

September 8th -
October 31st, 2025

Register Here

Quarter Two 

November 3rd -
January 23rd, 2026

Opening Soon

Quarter Three 

January 26th -
March 20th, 2026

Opening Soon

Quarter Four 

March 30th -
May 22nd, 2026

Opening Soon

Class Description

During this school year, children find themselves on the threshold of the awakening glimpses of the middle years of childhood. They begin to wonder and experience in new ways qualities and contrasts of virtues and shortcomings, kindness and cruelty, honesty and trickery, joy and sadness, and so on. They begin to question others’ honesty and might even wonder about their own nature. To meet them in this realm of feeling, curriculum brings stories of heroes, legends of Saints, and various animal fables from around the world. While the striving and noble human deeds are highlighted in the stories of heroes and saints, the arising contrasts in the children’s experience of the world are met with the fables and tales that bring an imaginative connection to the traits of a trickster and a mischief seeker.

During this year, the sense of belonging and familiar rhythms continue to be of great importance for the children as they move through a new way of experiencing the world. We begin to observe their growing interest in the unique traits of others and their expanding social awareness. 

Basic academic skills are practiced at a faster pace than they were the year before. Writing and reading practice make a big leap in pace and expectations. In the world of numbers, the experience of the qualities of numbers gives way to the recognition and work with their quantitative aspects expanding further into their relationship to space and time. Classwork builds upon the processes children learned the year before and takes them further towards mastering the times’ tables and working with larger numbers and place value. Rhythmic movements and experience of sequence and number patterns, and the work with word questions all continue. 

An experiential exploration of a child’s immediate surroundings expands through nature walks, nature stories, and practical work, planting the seeds for future science studies in upper grades. 

The class continues watercolor painting practice as an experience in color, moods, light, and relationships. Beeswax modeling, as well as crayon and form drawing, bring the children further into the realm of beauty found in color, light, and form. 

Class 2 Steiner Pedagogy:

Language Arts: extending and deepening the skills learned in class one, continuing the work of learning to read, fables, hero stories, saint legends 

Math: extending and deepening the skills in working with the basic four processes 

Nature Studies: Observing nature and immediate surroundings, observing time, times’ tables, place value and introduction to adding and subtracting larger numbers, patterns 

Arts: Watercolor painting, crayon drawing, form drawing, beeswax modeling, knitting, pentatonic flute, songs, recitation (poems and class plays)

Sample Video from Mr. Siepker: