FLEX No Live Zoom 2025/2026 Class 12

Humanities  Main Lesson Blocks

Ms. Daniela

World History: The World History block experiences strive to guide students to integrate the history blocks taught over the previous years. Throughout the block, students consider epochs from chapters in the history of the world through lenses of geographical as well as economic influences of the past and present. Individually, students are assigned project learning experiences through which they are guided to study opportunities and challenges facing a variety of countries and tasked to present their learning to the class.

Senior Project: This block is dedicated to independent senior projects students work to plan, complete, and present with support of their teacher, parents, and a personal mentor. This block invites the graduating students to explore and learn about the world and themselves. They dive into a topic of their specific personal interest and work to research, practically apply, and artistically express their findings, learning, experiences. Students are guided to choose a topic that deeply resonates with them allowing for this work to be a deeply meaningful experience. They present their projects in live class session during the last week of the block. Projects can take various forms: research papers, artistic creations, community projects, or building something tangible, depending on the student's interests. 

Ms. Jaia

Goethe’s nineteenth century masterpiece Faust will serve as a centerpiece of study during this block. This work meets the students of the twelfth grade as they are seeking to find meaning, purpose and place in the world, and considering how they fit as individuals.  Themes of freedom, good and evil, and the modern condition will be considered in discussion, poetically, and in essays. Students will also read related poetry, excerpts from plays, and compare the work of Faust to other great works. During this block, the students will also explore artistically with projects inspired by Goethe’s color theory. 

Government/Philosophy: This block immerses students in the many timeless questions that are posed in the study of philosophy. Students will explore the origin and evolution of government and philosophy and learn about the times, lives, and intellectual contributions of essential political philosophers from Plato to the modern political thought streams (including Steiner’s threefold social order and the “-isms”: liberalism, socialism, communism, fascism, and anarchism). Through an understanding of political philosophers, students will consider and discuss their impact on modern thought and political systems. Students will read, discuss, and work with a variety of great works, explore the structure and purpose of government, and consider how the processes of politics and government work.

World History

December 8th -
January 23rd, 2025

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January 26th - 
February 20th, 2026

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Gov. Philosophy

February 23rd - 
March 20th, 2026

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Senior Project

April 27th -
May 22nd, 2026

Opening Soon

Science Main Lesson Blocks

Ms. Daniela

  • Paleontology/Anthropology: Students will explore the origins of Homo sapiens through the lens of the Darwinian model and will be invited to compare it to other theories they may be familiar with, examining ways in which evolutionary theories show the human striving to illuminate the journey of human development. A look at human prehistoric archaeology will provide further insight into the expanding capacities of early humans, offering ways for visualizing their behavior, tools, and ways of life. Along the way, students will engage in live class conversations about anthropology, addressing unresolved scientific questions that continue to spark discussion in the field. This main lesson block draws connections to paleontology, through considerations of how the study of ancient life informs understanding of early hominins and their place in the evolutionary web. Students will develop a deeper understating of the role paleontology and archeology play in the development of our understanding of human origins and with experiences in conversations through which they will practice considering the dynamic tensions between competing worldviews.
  • Chemistry: The weeks of this main lesson block will invite students to engage in explorations and hands on experiences as they are introduced to:
    • Introduction to Molecular Chemistry – atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, and valence electrons / chemical bonds (covalent, ionic, hydrogen) 
    • Chemical and Molecular Interactions – writing and balancing chemical equations / hydrogen bonding / factors affecting chemical reactions (temperature, concentration, catalyst, etc.)
    • Biological Molecules – basic structures of carbons and simple reactions / proteins, lipids, carbohydrates / enzymes / molecular shape and size / relative masses (‘atomic weights’), molecular, formula weights
    • Considerations of applications of molecular chemistry

Ms. Jaia

  • Economy of Energy: Our primary focus will be the study of the conservation of energy principle through various observations, experiments, and discussions.  A study of the physical laws of energy will lead us to understand that although technically energy cannot be destroyed, in its transformations into light, heat or force, which allow us to perform work, our efficiency is never 100%. We will look at the various forms of energy, including kinetic, potential, thermal, etch. Through our study of energy, we will also look at renewable and non-renewable energy sources and the properties of electricity. The students will exercise their ability for mathematical thinking in work with topics such as energy potential difference. 


September 8th - 
October 3rd, 2025

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Economy of Energy

November 3rd - 
December 5th, 2025

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March 30th - 
April 24th, 2026

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