Kindergarten with Ms. Tiffany (2024/2025)

Family Testimonial
"I have been in Ms Tiffany's class since early December 2020. I signed up initially because my sister had told me about the program, as her daughter is in an older class. When I joined I didn't really know what to expect. I have been so impressed and pleased with each and every lesson plan she offers. Her personality is magnetic and my son, Beau, watches her in Circle Time and Story time like she is sitting right next to him in the room. She has an energy and kindness that reaches through the screen and touches your heart. I have learned so many child friendly recipes, crafts galore, movement games and songs over the past few months. It is more than I learned ever before with my two older sons in these young precious years. I have loved watching my youngest son develop daily in a school environment that I am able to create for him in the comfort of our home and my work schedule. It has been a gift that I had not expected ,due to the quarantine, but one that I am so glad I accepted. I have been truly inspired by Tiffany in her mothering talents and teaching young minds. I will surely miss "Tea with Tiffany" weekly meetings and all the advice I soaked up from them as well as the great parent conversations. She is one of those teachers that her students will always remember and their parents are blessed to have had her inspirations." ~Krista. C

Class Description
Early childhood is such a magical time of discovery and wonder. A gentle unfolding that need not be rushed. There is so much to explore!
Together we shall travel through the Waldorf Essentials Early Kindergarten curriculum, with additional adventures along the way. We will revel in the magic of stories, beauty of creation, and wonders of the natural world all around us.
I am here to help support your homeschooling journey, bridging the gap between the curriculum and your home classroom. Familiar with those deep dark places of self-doubt and feeling lost in the woods, I will be offering a hand to hold and help lift you up in those heavy times… sharing my inner light to help guide the way. We are the mapmakers… seeking joy and inspiration… and sailing a brightly shining sea.
In the Kindergarten class you can expect:
- Circle time songs and verses
- Songs to help care for our hearth & home
- Purposeful movement
- Storytelling and puppetry
- Exploration of cultures and festivals
- Seasonal recipes
- Handwork and crafts
- Seeking patterns and shapes in nature
- Connecting with nature in walking distance (it is everywhere, even in the cities)