Redefining Education!
Bringing Waldorf inspired, teacher guided lessons right to you, wherever you are!

Seasons of Seven is a program like no other. We provide you with a truly flexible experience while nurturing relationships with teachers and peers.

Program Features:
✅ A Variety Of Courses: We offer a range of options from Parent Child through High School. Courses do not rely on live Zoom meetings.
✅ Flexible Lessons: Teacher-curated curriculum with pre-recorded video lessons, that allow you to pause and replay as needed.
✅ Interactive Feedback: Asynchronous teacher-student interaction through our portal for assignment submissions and personalized feedback.
✅ Balanced Screen Time: Daily screen time is limited to 1-2 hours, supplemented by off-screen activities to enhance learning.
✅ Scheduled Learning: Block lessons are covered thoroughly at a pace set by teachers, ensuring all material is taught.
✅ Lasting connections: Our teachers are committed to move up with their students to the next grade, building strong, lasting relationships.
✅ Integrated Curriculum: A holistic approach combining main lessons seamlessly with Four Fold Enrichment courses.
✅ Supplies: Families are encouraged to provide materials for course lessons and activities.
Optional Community:
✅ Student Engagement: Optional weekly Zoom meetings for student connection. Coursework is independent of Zoom attendance.
✅ Family Connection: Optional Weekly Zooms for parents to build a supportive community.
✅ Flexible Scheduling: Optional Zooms run 1-4 days a week, Monday to Thursday, leaving Fridays open for families to explore their passions.

Family Testimonials
"We do not have access to a local Waldorf school and are so grateful to have Seasons of Seven to support our family through our homeschooling journey." Heather L
"When I first found Waldorf education I felt like I was too late to the game for my child to have this magical experience. The staff and teachers made us feel so welcome and put my fears to rest. We now are confident Waldorf homeschoolers and couldn't be more happy." Ali H
"I was feeling overwhelmed with having multiple children at home and started to lose the joy of why we decided to homeschool in the beginning. I singed my child up for Seasons of Seven to try it out. I quickly saw the potential for our family and jumped all in. I attend weekly parent office hours and love that I also have community for myself with this program." Aspen G
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